Current Affairs Quick Revision August 2019 (English)


Quick current affairs facts collected form different news sources from 1-31 August 2019. These current affairs facts are very useful for all competitive examinations. It has been compiled in 52 pages. It is only available in pdf format. After payment you can automatically download it. After payment pdf will also be sent on your e-mail.

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Quick current affairs facts collected form different news sources from 1-31 August 2019. These current affairs facts are very useful for all competitive examinations. It has been compiled in 52 pages. It is only available in pdf format. After payment you can automatically download it. After payment pdf will also be sent on your e-mail.

Payment options:

  1. Paytm Directly to : 9818187354
  2. Google Pay Directly to: 9818187354
  3. Phone Pay Directly to: 9818187354

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You can contact us on 07428811251 or E-mail us: