Entire genome of Asiatic lion sequenced first time

  • The scientists from CSIR-Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad has for the first time, sequenced the entire genome of Asiatic lion, an endangered species. Till date, only partial genomic information of the African lion was available now.
  • De novo sequencing and annotation have resulted in a draft assembly of the entire genome of a male Asiatic lion.

How is it Important?

  • This firsthand information from the sequencing would help to better understand the evolution of Asiatic lions and also make possible comparative analysis with other big cats.
  • With the complete genome of royal Bengal tiger, African Cheetah and Jaguar available, comparative studies of all these big cats would be possible.
  • Comparative genomics between African and Asiatic lions could be undertaken once the complete genome of the African lion is sequenced.
  • The population of the endangered Asiatic lion is very low — only 523 animals are present in the Gir forests. The genome sequencing would enable scientists to develop specific markers to study population genetics and get newer insights into its population status and subsequent management.
  • Comparative analysis with other felids and mammalian genomes unravelled the evolutionary history of the Asiatic lion and its position among other felids. (The Hindu)

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