India launches Operation Sadbhav to provide aid to Typhoon Yagi affected countries

India has launched Operation Sadbhav to provide humanitarian assistance to typhoon Yagi-affected countries – Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam.

Key points

  • India sent urgent relief materials to Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam to assist them in dealing with the impact of the major typhoon.
  • These countries are reeling under massive floods after Asia’s most powerful storm this year hit the three countries. 10 tonnes of aid, including dry ration, clothing and medicines, were dispatched to Myanmar onboard the Indian naval ship INS Satpura.
  • A military transport aircraft of the Indian Air Force is carrying 35 tonnes of aid to Vietnam and 10 tonnes of relief materials to Laos.
  • India has been among the first responders in providing Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) to impacted countries.
  • Operation Sadbhav is part of India’s broader effort to contribute to HADR within the ASEAN region, in line with its ‘Act East Policy’.

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