ICAR and NABARD signs MoU to facilitate the action research and up-scaling of the various technologies

With a view to promote sustainable agriculture and climate resilient farming systems the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Board of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) on December 13, 2019.


The objective of this MoU is to facilitate the action research (the research carried out with the active participation of farmers to provide solutions for the challenges) and up-scaling of the various technologies and innovative farmer models developed by the ICAR that includes the successful climate resilient practices, models and integrated and hi-tech farming practices in a participatory model through adoptive research on watershed platform.

The MoU is for taking up site-specific transfer of technologies under sustainable agriculture, integrated farming system, crop intensification, agro-forestry, plantation and horticulture, animal sciences, agri-engineering, etc., including post-harvest technologies.

About ICAR

The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) is a premier organization in the country with the mandate of agriculture, research, extension and education leading the country’s National Agricultural Research and Extension System with a large network of 113 institutes, 75 SAUs and CUs and 716 KVKs across the country.

ICAR with its network developed doable technologies in agriculture and allied sectors of horticulture, livestock, fisheries etc. and are being disseminated through various national and state level programmes, schemes and KVKs for the benefit of the farmers. HRD and Capacity building are also the core mandate of ICAR.


National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) premier organization dealing with policy, planning and operations in the field of credit for agriculture and other activities in rural areas.

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