DRDO successfully flight-tests Phase-II Ballistic Missile Defence System

Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully flight-tested Phase-II Ballistic Missile Defence System on July 24, 2024.

  • The Target Missile was launched from LC-IV Dhamra at 1620 hrs mimicking adversary Ballistic Missile, which was detected by weapon system radars deployed on land and sea and activated the AD Interceptor system.
  • The Phase-II AD Endo-atmospheric missile was launched from LC-III at ITR, Chandipur.
  • The test has demonstrated Nation’s indigenous capability to defend against the Ballistic Missiles of 5000 km class.
  • The Phase-II AD Endo-atmospheric missile is an indigenously developed Two Stage solid propelled ground launched missile system meant for neutralising many types of enemy ballistic missile threats in the altitude bracket of endo to low exo-atmospheric regions.
  • Phase 1 of the BMD, which can intercept ballistic missiles with a range of 2,000 km, has already been deployed.
  • The maiden test of the Phase-II BMD was carried out in November 2022.
  • The existing BMD consists of two interceptor missiles, the Prithvi Defence Vehicle for exo-atmospheric ranges and the Advanced Area Defence missile for endo-atmosphere or lower altitudes.

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