The tragic stampede in Tirupati on January 8, during the Vaikunta Ekadasi festival, underscores the challenges of managing massive crowds at places of religious significance.
About Vaikunta Ekadasi festival
- The Vaikunta Ekadasi, a highly auspicious occasion for devotees of Lord Vishnu, draws thousands of pilgrims to the Sri Venkateswara Swami Temple at Tirumala to seek blessings.
- The festival, extended to a 10-day event to accommodate the growing number of devotees, highlights the immense faith associated with passing through the Vaikuntha Dwara, believed to grant access to Vaikuntha, the heavenly abode of Lord Vishnu.
- This incident brings attention to the need for effective crowd management and safety measures during such large-scale events to prevent tragedies and ensure the sanctity of the spiritual experience.
Lord Venkateswara
- Tirumala is the riches pilgrimage centre in the world.
- It is the abode of Lord Venkateswara located atop Seshachalam Hills often called as Seven Hills.
(Source: IE)