The Uttar Pradesh Special Security Force (UPSSF) has been notified on August 31, 2020. The force was announced on June 26, 2020 by the UP Chief Minister.
- The force has been envisaged as having “high-level professional skills”, which would reduce the burden on the Provincial Armed Constabulary (PAC)
- Subsection (1) of Section 10 of the act allow arrests “without warrant” or the “order of the magistrate”. The provision is similar to Section 11 of the CISF Act, 1968, which lays down the “Power to arrest without warrant”. Section 16 of the Maharashtra State Security Corporation Act, 2010 has the similar provision of “Power to arrest without warrant”.
- The force has been constituted to provide “better protection and security of a body or a person, or the residential premises” notified by the state government, and vital installations including courts, “administrative offices, shrines, Metro rail, airports, banks, other financial institutions, industrial undertaking,” etc.
- It will be led by an Additional Director General-level officer.
(Source: Indian Express)