Lantana camara has emerged as the most challenging invasive species in Haryana’s reserved forest areas, infesting around 89 sq km of forest, reported The times of India. This aggressive plant dominates the native flora, leading to a decline in biodiversity.
Key Points
- Invasive Impact:
- Lantana camara covers approximately 89 sq km.
- Its aggressive spread compromises native species and reduces overall biodiversity.
- Other Invasive Species in Haryana:
- In total, five major invasive species affect about 12% of the state’s forests (or 201 sq km).
- Prosopis juliflora (Neltuma juliflora or Vilayati kikar) is the second most invasive species, thriving in arid conditions and covering around 61 sq km.
- Prosopis juliflora displaces native vegetation and alters soil composition, further impacting forest ecosystems.
(Source: The Times of India)