To safeguard the critically endangered kakapo, the genomes of nearly all remaining individuals have been sequenced, providing vital information for conservation management.
- The kakapo is a critically endangered, intensively managed, long-lived nocturnal parrot endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand.
- The kakapo (Strigops habroptila) has several special traits. It is the heaviest parrot in the world, with some males exceeding 3 kilograms, and is thought to have the longest lifespan, up to 90 years.
- It is the only parrot species that can’t fly, instead climbing trees or foraging on the ground to find food like nuts and seeds.
- The green-coloured birds were once widespread throughout New Zealand, but were almost completely wiped out by introduced predators like cats and rats.
- The 250 or so individuals that are still left are managed by New Zealand’s Department of Conservation in partnership with Maori groups on five predator-free islands.