India’s first modern gaushala with a state-of-the-art Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant

On October 2, 2024, Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi inaugurated Gwalior’s new 100 TPD cattle dung-based Compressed Bio-Gas (CBG) plant, exemplifying his vision for a “Waste to Wealth” initiative.

The CBG plant is Gwalior’s largest cowshed, Adarsh Gaushala, located in Laltipara, Gwalior. The Gaushala is operated by Gwalior Municipal Corporation and over 10,000 cattle live here.

The Gaushala has achieved a landmark feat with the establishment of India’s first modern, self-sufficient gaushala that houses a state-of-the-art Compressed Biogas (CBG) plant.

The speciality of this plant is that it is the first CBG plant in Madhya Pradesh in which biogas will be prepared from cattle dung and garbage such as vegetable and fruit waste materials collected from mandis and homes.

By utilizing cow dung for energy, it helps curb carbon emissions, a potent greenhouse gas, making a valuable contribution to climate change mitigation.

This initiative also creates employment opportunities for locals, boosting the economy while promoting skills in green energy and sustainable practices.

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