On January 5, Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation for multiple development projects worth over Rs 12,200 crore in Delhi, including the inauguration of the 13 km stretch of the Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut Namo Bharat corridor, which will greatly ease travel between Delhi and Meerut.
India’s Metro Network
- 3rd Largest in the World: With this growth India has surpassed Japan in Metro Rail Projects in 2022. Currently, India ranks third globally in operational Metro network length and is on track to become the 2nd largest Metro network in the world.
- 1,000 km: Covering over 1,000 km across 11 states and 23 cities, millions of people rely on them for quick, easy and affordable travel..
Metro Evolution in India
- Kolkata Metro: India’s first metro, inaugurated in 1984, spanned 3.4 km between Esplanade and Bhowanipur, introducing metro rail travel to the nation.
- Delhi Metro: Operational since 2002, the DMRC revolutionized urban transport, starting with the Shahdara-Tis Hazari corridor.
- Driverless Metro: In December 2020, India launched its first driverless metro on Delhi Metro’s Magenta Line, pushing boundaries in automation.
- Water Metro: Kochi, Kerala, introduced India’s first water metro project in 2021, connecting islands with electric hybrid boats for sustainable and inclusive transport.
- Kolkata Underwater Metro Tunnel: In 2024, India inaugurated its first underwater metro tunnel, where the Esplanade-Howrah Maidan section runs beneath the Hooghly River, marking a milestone in engineering and transport innovation
Global Leadership
- Operational Network: India ranks third globally in metro rail network length, with over 1,000 km across 11 states and 23 cities, and is poised to become the second largest in the world.
- Global Collaborations: The DMRC has expanded its expertise internationally, contributing to metro projects in Bangladesh and consulting in cities like Jakarta. Countries like Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, and El Salvador are considering collaborations with DMRC.