The Great Green Wall (GGW) initiative by the African Union recently received $14 billion in additional funding pledges at the ‘One Planet Summit for Biodiversity’.
- Started in 2007, the 8000 kilometre-long Great Green Wall is an African-led initiative, spanning 11 countries, to combat land degradation, desertification and drought.
- It aims to transform the lives of 100 million people by growing an 8,000-kilometre-long and 15-km-wide mosaic of trees, grasslands, vegetation and plants.
- The project addresses desertification, land degradation and climate change in the Sahel region.
- It was conceived by 11 countries located along the southern border of the Sahara and their international partners.
- One Planet Summit for biodiversity: The ‘One Planet Summit’ for biodiversity was held on 11 January 2021 aims to advance the protection of nature. It was Organized by France, in cooperation with the United Nations and the World Bank.