- Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRISS) has released the first country wide global list of alien and invasive animals and plant species.
- The first list, lists 6414 alien species found in 20 countries of the world. These are the species which have gone out of their native place and have become engrossed in the atmosphere of the host country.
- As per the list, nn South Africa, 2107 alien and invasive species were found, while in Mongolia their number were only 77.
- According to IUCN-GRIS, a fifth part of these 6414 invasive and alien species are causing harm to the native species.
- According to GRISS, many such alien species are not only harming the environment but also threatening the economy and health of other countries. For example, rat can cause the birds on the verge of extinction in many islands.
- The main reason behind the crossing of these species to other ecosystem, is cross border trade and transport.
What is GRIIS
- The Global Register of Invasive Species (GRIS) was developed as a concept and prototype by the IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) in 2006.
- Latter the concept was expanded to address Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 and support its achievement.
- Aichi Target-9: According to this target, by 2020, invasive alien species and pathways have to be identified and prioritized, priority species have to be controlled or eradicated and measures should be in place to manage pathways to prevent their introduction and establishment.