In view to create an enabling environment for nurturing Industrial Research and developing innovative products and processes among Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) has been implementing a scheme that supports creation of Common Research and Technology Development Hubs (CRTDHs).
- The CRTDHs are dedicated for use by MSMEs. DSIR has established 18 CRTDHs across the country in five sectors, namely, Electronics/Renewable Energy, Affordable Health, Environmental interventions, Low cost machining and New materials / Chemical Processes.
- The CRTDHs set up across the country aim to enhance productivity, increase the innovative skills of MSMEs and help them to become globally competitive and generate employment.
- The CRTDHs promote and lead towards indigenous development of products and services that strengthen the momentum for “Vocal for Local” and “Atma Nirbhar Bharat” through the DSIR-CRTDHs.