India is ranked 129 out of 158 countries in the Commitment to Reducing Inequality (CRI) Index 2020.
- The Index was released by the OXFAM- an international confederation of charitable organisations. It was founded in 1942 and led by Oxfam International. It is headquarters is located in Nairobi, Kenya
- Norway (Global Rank-1) was declared the most committed countries.
- India spent just 4 per cent of its budget on health going into the pandemic — fourth lowest in the world.
- Nigeria, Bahrain and India, which is currently experiencing the world’s fastest-growing outbreak of COVID-19, were among the world’s worst-performing countries in tackling inequality going into the pandemic.
- Only half of India’s population have access to even the most essential health services while over 70 per cent of health spending is being met by people themselves.
- The index ranked countries measuring their policies and actions in three areas that it said are proven to be directly related to reducing inequality — Public services including health, education and social protection, taxation, and workers’ rights.
- This is third edition of the CRI Index.
(Source: Financial Express)