The Karnataka Police has begun to use brain mapping technology to investigate an accused.
- The brain mapping technology is also known as Brain Electrical Oscillation Signature (BEOS) Profiling and the mapping is done through a device.
- When an accused undergoes the brain mapping test, this technology can reportedly reveal his experience, knowledge and even the involvement in crime by studying the electrical behavior of the brain.
- The circular also clarified that this test does not breach any fundamental rights of a person as it is a non-invasive test.
- BEOS works on EEG (Electro encephalograph machine).
- BEOS is a non-invasive technique with a great degree of sensitivity and a neuro-psychological method of interrogation which is referred to as brain fingerprinting or brain finger mapping.
- BEOS is used to identify individuals with experience of participating in a crime.
- BEOS was developed by Champadi Raman Mukunandan, a neuroscientist, former professor and head of clinical psychology at National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences, Bangalore India.