ESCAP convened the Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on the Beijing+30 Review in collaboration with UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in Bangkok, from 19-21 November 2024.
- At this summit, the report ‘Charting New Paths for Gender Equality and Empowerment: Asia-Pacific Regional Report on Beijing + 30 Review’ was released.
- The report analysed how countries in the region are placed compared to the Sustainability Development Goals (SDG) adopted in Beijing 30 years back.
- According to report, the adoption of gender-responsive budgeting by Asia-Pacific countries like India demonstrates their strong commitment to ensuring the efficient allocation of resources based on the identified needs of women and girls.
- The report further pointed out that despite the important steps taken by both India and Philippines to ensure that budget allocations align with the commitment to gender equality, both countries face challenges.
- The Beijing declaration and Platform for Action had been adopted by countries across the world in 1995 as a framework for advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls.