For the first time, 500 cities across India have declared themselves as ‘SafaiMitra Surakshit Shehar’.
- In doing so, they have established that the cities are able to achieve adequacy in terms of institutional capacity, manpower and equipment norms as stipulated by MoHUA (Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs) and are providing safe working conditions for SafaiMitras.
- The ‘SafaiMitra Surakshit Shehar’ declaration done by 500 cities aligns with Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban’s longstanding goal of promoting sustainable sanitation practices and acting as a catalyst for the transformation of every ‘manhole’ into a ‘machine hole’.
- On World Toilet Day in 2019, MoHUA launched the ‘SafaiMitra Suraksha Challenge’ through which it identified 100 Lighthouse cities that were well equipped in terms of sanitation infrastructure and facilities.
- MoHUA also provided a protocol for ‘SafaiMitra Surakshit Shehar’. States have set up Responsible Sanitation Authorities (RSAs) & Emergency Response Sanitation Units (ESRUs) at the district level and are now prioritizing training and capacity building of SafaiMitras.
- It has taken 75 years for us to come to this juncture, but any task started well is bound to achieve its goal. MoHUA is committed to ensure that all Indian cities declare themselves as ‘SafaiMitra Surkashit’ by March 2024.”
- Of the 100 Lighthouse Cities, 94 have declared themselves as SafaiMitra Surakshit. Apart from these, 406 other cities have also declared themselves, with more continuing to do so.