Climate Club

Recently, Australia and New Zealand announced joint economic and energy commitments to support the clean energy transition in the region.

  • Australian Prime Minister announced at a joint press conference that New Zealand would join Australia in the Climate Club, an initiative established in 2022 focused on industrial decarbonization and pursuing net zero emissions.
  • The Climate Club was launched at COP28 as a leading high-ambition intergovernmental forum for exchange on accelerating climate action and industry decarbonisation.
  • Currently, it comprises 41 members. India is not a member country.
  • The objective of the Climate Club members is to support the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement and decisions thereunder.
  • Climate Club members will share their assessments and best practices on ambitious and transparent mitigation policies and work towards a common understanding of the effectiveness and economic impact of such policies.
  • The Climate Club’s initial focus is on the emission-intensive sectors steel and cement with the aim to scale up lead markets and to make decarbonised industrial production the default business case.

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