Cabinet approved building of Bharatiya Antariksh Station

The union cabinet has approved the building of first unit of the Bharatiya Anatriksh Station (BAS) by extending the scope of Gaganyaan program.

  • Approval by the cabinet is given for development of first module of Bharatiya Antariksh Station (BAS-1) and undertake missions to demonstrate and validate various technologies for building and operating BAS.
  • To revise the scope & funding of the Gaganyaan Programme to include new developments for BAS & precursor missions, and additional requirements to meet the ongoing Gaganyaan Programme.
  • Revision in Gaganyaan Programme to include the scope of development and precursor missions for BAS, and factoring one additional uncrewed mission and additional hardware requirement for the developments of ongoing Gaganyaan Programme.
  • Now the human spaceflight program of technology development and demonstration is through eight missions to be completed by December 2028 by launching first unit of BAS-1.
  • The Government of India has outlined an expanded vision for the Indian space programme that envisages an Indian Space Station (Bharatiya Antariksh Station) by 2035 and Indian Landing on the Moon by 2040.
  • To realize this vision, a series of Gaganyaan & Chandrayaan follow-on missions are envisaged including the development of associated space transportation & infrastructure capabilities.
  • With a net additional funding of ₹11170 Crore in the already approved programme, the total funding for Gaganyaan Programme with the revised scope has been enhanced to ₹20193 Crore.

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