Bose-Einstein condensate-Fifth state of the matter created from living room

A physicist from the University of Sussex, UK has created the fifth state of matter from her living room during the coronavirus lockdown using quantum technology.

  • Dr Amruta Gadge created a Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC) – a state of matter where extremely cold atoms clump together and act as if they were a single entity.
  • It is the first time someone has established a BEC remotely in a lab that didn’t previously have one.
  • The achievement could provide a blueprint for using a computer to operate quantum technology remotely.
  • A Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) is known as the fifth state of matter, after solid, liquid, gas and plasma. BEC is formed at a fraction above absolute zero and only in atoms that act like bosons, one of two types of fundamental particles.

Source: Daily Mail, File Image: Credit NASA

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