Biotech KISAN scheme for improving agriculture productivity in NE Region

The Department of Biotechnology has issued a Special Call under Biotech-Krishi Innovation Science Application Network (Biotech-KISAN) scheme.

  • Ministry of Science & Technology has said, the present call specifically focuses on the North East Region as it is predominantly agrarian with 70 percent of its workforce engaged in agriculture and allied sector for livelihood.
  • Under this scheme, Biotech-KISAN Hubs in North East Region will collaborate with top scientific institutions across the country, State Agricultural Universities, Krishi Vigyan Kendras, existing state agriculture extension services and system and other Farmers’ organizations in the North East Region for demonstrations of technologies and training of farmers.

About Biotech-KISAN scheme

  • Biotech-KISAN scheme is a farmer centric scheme for farmers, developed by and with farmers. It is a Pan-India program, following a hub-and spoke model and stimulates entrepreneurship and innovation in farmers and empowers women.
  • The Biotech- KISAN Hubs are expected to fulfil the technology requirement to generate agriculture and bio-resource related jobs and better livelihood ensuring biotechnological benefits to small and marginal farmers.
  • Biotech-KISAN also has unique a feature to identify and promote local farm leadership in both genders.

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