Govt. launches ‘Good Governance Index’

The MoS (PP) Dr Jitendra Singh launched the ‘Good Governance Index’ on the occasion of Good Governance Day in New Delhi, on December 25, 2019.

The Good Governance Day is observed on the birth anniversary of former Prime Minister Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. On the occasion, the Minister also launched the 15th edition of Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure (CSMOP).


  • Good Governance Index has been scientifically designed on various parameters of governance. It has been designed keeping in mind the citizen-centricity.
  • GGI would also seek to determine the status of governance as it exists today and it will provide reference threshold for future also.

About Good Governance Index

  • The Good Governance Index is a uniform tool across States to assess the Status of Governance and impact of various interventions taken up by the State Government and UTs.
  • The objectives of GGI are to provide quantifiable data to compare the state of governance in all states and UTs, enable states and UTs to formulate and implement suitable strategies for improving governance and shift to result oriented approaches and administration.
  • Various principles have been kept in mind while selecting the indicators, i.e. it should be easy to understand & calculate, citizen-centric & result driven, leading to improved results and applicable to all states and UTs, among others. Various consultation meetings were held with the stakeholders, including consultations with sector experts, ministries, states & UTs.

Ten sectors

  • The GGI takes into consideration ten sectors: 1). Agriculture and Allied Sectors, 2). Commerce & Industries, 3). Human Resource Development, 4). Public Health, 5). Public Infrastructure & Utilities, 6). Economic Governance, 7). Social Welfare & Development, 8). Judicial & Public Security, 9). Environment and 10). Citizen-Centric Governance.
  • These ten Governance Sectors are measured on total 50 indicators. Difference indicators are given different weightage under one Governance Sector to calculate the value. E.g. Under Agriculture & Allied Sector, there are 6 indicators with different weightage, namely: Growth rate of agriculture and allied sector (0.4), growth rate of food grains production (0.1), growth rate of horticulture produce (0.1), growth rate of milk production (0.1), growth rate of meat production (0.1) and crop insurance (0.2). The states and UTs are divided into three groups: a). Big States, b). North-East & Hill States and c). UTs. The states and UTs are ranked on all indicators separately, at the same time composite ranking is also calculated for these states and UTs under their respective groups based upon these indicators.
Good Governance Rankings

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